Male & Female Snow Leopard Kittens for Sale in SC


Are you looking to add a furry new addition to the family? If so, a Bengal leopard kitten would be a great new member to bring home. These kittens are loving and affectionate to the whole family.

If you want a new addition to the family, we have male or female Snow Leopard kittens for sale at Bengaleopards SC. We happily serve all of South Carolina, so look no further than us to provide you and your family with a new kitten.

Why Should You Buy a Bengal Snow Leopard Kitten?

The Bengal kitten is a domesticated cat that has physical features that align with wildcats. A hybrid of the Asian Leopard cat and a domestic cat, these cats have beautiful spotted coats making them unique to other domestic cats.

Bengal Snow kittens have loving, affectionate, and dependable temperaments. They are loyal to their families, and they create strong bonds of faithfulness. Being extremely playful and gregarious, these kittens possess a high activity level compared to other cats.

Why Should You Buy From Bengaleopards SC?

At Bengaleopards SC, we are dedicated to homing our male and female Bengal Leopard kittens for sale to loving families. We never cage our kittens, and we seek to train and socialize our kittens from an early age so that they are comfortable with any person they interact with. We pride ourselves on creating a loving and stimulating environment for our kittens.

We ensure to deliver every Bengal kitten. But before they arrive at your home, we will bottle-feed and burp our kittens every two hours. We do this until they are four to six weeks old so that they are fully nourished.

If you are interested in one of our male or female Snow Leopard kittens for sale, contact us today through our contact page. We look forward to giving you the perfect kitten for you and your family.

Bengal Leopard Kittens From King Leopold and Queen Midnight

We are happy to announce that King Leopold and Queen Midnight had a gorgeous baby girl on Dec 16, 2023. She is also a Charcoal just like her Queen Midnight. She will be able to go home mid March 2024. When she opens her eyes, I will post her pictures. 

Princess Twilight

Princess Twilight is very energetic and playful and BIG like her dad. She will be an above average female for sure. She loves playing with my other Bengals and my dogs, so if you have other cats and dogs, she will do fantastic!



Bengal Leopard Kittens From King Leopold and Queen Midnight

We are happy to announce that King Leopold and Queen Midnight had their babies. They were born on March 18, 2024. We had two, one big boy and big girl. They are both doing great and gaining weight daily. Both are Charcoal, possibly Charcoal Brown. I will post pictures as soon as they open their eyes.   

Prince Bentley


Princess Mercedes



Bengal Leopard Kittens From King Viking and Queen Alexandria

We are happy to announce that King Viking and Queen Alexandria had a BEAUTIFUL baby girl. Born April 27, 2024. She is a spitting image of her mom from the day she was born and looks like she could even have her markings. 

Princess Snow White

Princess Snow White was born April 27, 2024 and was 3.44oz which is very large!! She reminds me of her mother when she was     born, very loud and demanding for food! 


Bengal Leopard Kittens From King Leopold and Queen Elizabeth

We are happy to announce that King Leopold and Queen Elizabeth are expecting! If it took, babies will be due around May 10, 2024. VERY excited to see her babies!!!